Expert Assistance in Solar Resource Assessment, Radiometry and Solar Radiation Model Development.


Solar Consulting Services is a consulting company dedicated to the development of tools and resource assessment products related to a wide range of applications. Our services are based in great part on the expertise of internationally-renowned Dr. Christian A. Gueymard, who has published a considerable number of scientific contributions on solar radiation modeling and measurement.

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Since its development began many years ago, the SMARTS model's conceptual idea has always been to offer fast and accurate predictions of spectral irradiance on any tilted surface without the difficulties and limitations associated with the more complex atmospheric models used in meteorology.

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Expert Services

Large solar energy projects (usually to supply electricity to utilities) cost millions and their economic profitability must be carefully established, along with risk factors due to the variability of the solar resource and other factors. The design process and financial projections of such projects must therefore rely on high-quality solar resource data.

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Atmospheric Aerosols

Atmospheric aerosols are important constituents of the atmosphere, which condition the Earth climate but also modulate the solar resource. Solar Consulting Services is a leader in the development of methods and databases that are necessary to correctly use solar radiation models and evaluate the solar resource for all possible applications (PV, CSP, etc.)

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Since its development began many years ago, the SMARTS model's conceptual idea has always been to offer fast and accurate predictions of spectral irradiance on any tilted surface without the difficulties and limitations associated with the more complex atmospheric models used in meteorology.

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